Source code for automan.edm_cluster_manager

import os
from textwrap import dedent

from .cluster_manager import ClusterManager

[docs]class EDMClusterManager(ClusterManager): # The path to edm root on the remote, this is a relative path # and is relative to the home directory. EDM_ROOT = '.edm' ENV_FILE = "bundled_env.json" BOOTSTRAP = dedent("""\ #!/bin/bash set -e ENV_FILE="{project_name}/{env_file}" if hash edm 2>/dev/null; then EDM_EXE=edm else EDM_EXE=~/{edm_root}/bin/edm fi if [ -f $ENV_FILE ] ; then $EDM_EXE -q envs import --force {project_name} -f $ENV_FILE else $EDM_EXE -q envs create --force {project_name} --version 3.6 $EDM_EXE -q install psutil execnet -y -e {project_name} fi $EDM_EXE run -e {project_name} -- pip install automan cd {project_name} if [ -f "requirements.txt" ] ; then $EDM_EXE run -e {project_name} -- pip install -r requirements.txt fi """) UPDATE = dedent("""\ #!/bin/bash set -e ENV_FILE="{project_name}/{env_file}" if hash edm 2>/dev/null; then EDM_EXE=edm else EDM_EXE=~/{edm_root}/bin/edm fi if [ -f $ENV_FILE ] ; then $EDM_EXE -q envs import --force {project_name} -f $ENV_FILE fi cd {project_name} if [ -f "requirements.txt" ] ; then $EDM_EXE run -e {project_name} -- pip install -r requirements.txt fi """) def _get_bootstrap_code(self): return self.BOOTSTRAP.format( project_name=self.project_name, edm_root=self.EDM_ROOT, env_file=self.ENV_FILE ) def _get_python(self, host, home): return os.path.join( home, self.EDM_ROOT, 'envs/{project_name}/bin/python'.format( project_name=self.project_name ) ) def _get_update_code(self): return self.UPDATE.format( project_name=self.project_name, edm_root=self.EDM_ROOT, env_file=self.ENV_FILE ) def _get_helper_scripts(self): """Return a space separated string of script files that you need copied over to the remote host. When overriding this, you can return None or '' if you do not need any. """ return ''