A tutorial on using automan

Automan is best suited for numerical computations that take a lot of time to run. It is most useful when you have to manage the execution of many of these numerical computations. Very often one needs to process the output of these simulations to either compare the results and then assemble a variety of plots or tables for a report or manuscript.

The numerical simulations can be in the form of any executable code, either in the form of a binary or a script. In this tutorial we will assume that the programs being executed are in the form of Python scripts.

There are three general recommendations we make for your numerical programs to be able to use automan effectively.

  1. They should be configurable using command line arguments.

  2. They should generate their output files into a directory specified on the command line.

  3. Any post-processed data should be saved into an easy to load datafile to facilitate comparisons with other simulations.

None of these is strictly mandatory but we strongly recommend doing it this way.

A simple example

In this tutorial we take a rather trivial program to execute just to illustrate the basic concepts. Our basic program is going to simply calculate the square of a number passed to it on the command line. Here is how the code looks:

from __future__ import print_function
import sys

x = float(sys.argv[1])
print(x, x*x)

You can execute this script like so:

$ python square.py 2.0
2.0 4.0

Yay, it works!


If you want to run these examples, they are included along with the example files in the automan source code. The files should be in examples/tutorial (Browse online).

This example does not produce any output files and doesn’t really take any configuration arguments. So we don’t really need to do much about this.

Now let us say we want to automate the execution of this script with many different arguments, let us say 2 different values for now (we can increase it later).

We can now do this with automan. First create a simple script for this, we could call it automate1.py (this is just a convention, you could call it anything you want). The code is as shown below:

 1from automan.api import Problem, Automator
 4class Squares(Problem):
 5    def get_name(self):
 6        return 'squares'
 8    def get_commands(self):
 9        return [
10            ('1', 'python square.py 1', None),
11            ('2', 'python square.py 2', None),
12        ]
14    def run(self):
15        self.make_output_dir()
18if __name__ == '__main__':
19    automator = Automator(
20        simulation_dir='outputs',
21        output_dir='manuscript/figures',
22        all_problems=[Squares]
23    )
24    automator.run()

Note the following:

  • The Squares class derives from automan.automation.Problem. This encapsulates all the simulations where we wish to find the square of some number.

  • The get_name method returns a subdirectory for all the outputs of this problem.

  • The get_commands returns a list of tuples of the following form, (directory_name, command, job_info). In this case we don’t pass any job information and we’ll get to this later. Notice that the two commands specified are essentially what we’d have typed on the terminal.

  • The run command does nothing much except create a directory. For now let us leave this alone.

Let us execute this to see what it does:

$ python automate1.py

Writing config.json
4 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

Running task CommandTask with output directory: 2 ...
Starting worker on localhost.
Job run by localhost
Running python square.py 2

Running task CommandTask with output directory: 1 ...
Job run by localhost
Running python square.py 1
2 tasks pending and 2 tasks running
Running task Problem named squares...

Running task <automan.automation.RunAll object at 0x10628d908>...

So the script executes and seems to have run the requested computations. Let us see the output directories:

$ tree
├── automate1.py
├── config.json
├── manuscript
│   └── figures
│       └── squares
├── outputs
│   └── squares
│       ├── 1
│       │   ├── job_info.json
│       │   ├── stderr.txt
│       │   └── stdout.txt
│       └── 2
│           ├── job_info.json
│           ├── stderr.txt
│           └── stdout.txt
└── square.py

7 directories, 9 files

Let us summarize what just happened:

  • The two commands we asked for were executed and the respective outputs of each invocation were placed into outputs/squares/1 and outputs/squares/2. Notice that there are stdout.txt, stderr.txt and a job_info.json file here too.

  • A manuscript directory called manuscript/figures/squares is created.

  • There is also a new config.json that we can safely ignore for now.

Let us see the contents of the files in the outputs directory:

$ cat outputs/squares/1/stdout.txt
1.0 1.0

$ cat outputs/squares/1/job_info.json
{"start": "Fri Aug 24 01:11:46 2018", "end": "Fri Aug 24 01:11:46 2018", "status": "done", "exitcode": 0, "pid": 20381}

As you can see, the standard output has the output of the command. The job_info.json has information about the actual execution of the code. This is very useful in general.

Thus automan has executed the code, organized the output directories and collected the standard output and information about the execution of the tasks.

Now, let us run the automation again:

$ python automate1.py
0 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

It does not re-run the code as it detects that everything is complete.

Adding some post-processing

Let us say we want to create a plot that either compares the individual runs or assembles the runs into a single plot or collects the data into a single file. We can easily do this by adding more code into the run method of our Squares class. Let us also add a couple of more computations.

 1from automan.api import Problem, Automator
 4class Squares(Problem):
 5    def get_name(self):
 6        return 'squares'
 8    def get_commands(self):
 9        return [
10            ('1', 'python square.py 1', None),
11            ('2', 'python square.py 2', None),
12            ('3', 'python square.py 3', None),
13            ('4', 'python square.py 4', None),
14        ]
16    def run(self):
17        self.make_output_dir()
18        data = []
19        for i in ('1', '2', '3', '4'):
20            stdout = self.input_path(i, 'stdout.txt')
21            with open(stdout) as f:
22                data.append(f.read().split())
24        output = self.output_path('output.txt')
25        with open(output, 'w') as o:
26            o.write(str(data))
29if __name__ == '__main__':
30    automator = Automator(
31        simulation_dir='outputs',
32        output_dir='manuscript/figures',
33        all_problems=[Squares]
34    )
36    automator.run()

Let us examine this code a little carefully:

  • In get_commands, we have simply added two more cases.

  • In run, we have added some simple code to just iterate over the 4 directories we should have and then read the standard output into a list and finally we write that out into an output.txt file.

  • We also moved the automator object creation and execution so we can import our automate2.py script if we wish to.

The two new methods you see here are self.input_path(...) (you could also use self.simulation_path(...)) which makes it easy to access any paths inside the simulation directories and the self.output_path(...) which does the same but inside the output path. Let us see what these do, inside the directory containing the automate2.py if you start up a Python interpreter (IPython would be much nicer), you can do the following:

>>> import automate2
>>> squares = automate2.Squares(
...    simulation_dir='outputs',
...    output_dir='manuscript/figures/'
... )

>>> squares.input_path('1')

>>> squares.input_path('1', 'stdout.txt')

>>> squares.simulation_path('1', 'stdout.txt')

>>> squares.output_path('output.txt')

As you can see, these are just conveniences for finding the input file paths and the output file paths. Now let us run this new script:

$ python automate2.py
0 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

Whoa! That doesn’t seem right? What happens is that since the last time we ran the automate script, it created the output, it assumes that there is nothing more to do as the final result (the manuscript/figures/squares) was successfully created so it does not run anything new. If you do this:

$ python automate2.py -h

You’ll see an option -f which basically redoes the post-processing by removing any old plots, so let us try that:

$ python automate2.py -f
4 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

Now it actually ran just the new simulations (you can see the commands in the output it prints), it will not re-run the already executed cases. Now let us see if the output is collected:

$ cat manuscript/figures/squares/output.txt
[['1.0', '1.0'], ['2.0', '4.0'], ['3.0', '9.0'], ['4.0', '16.0']]

So what automan did was to execute the newly added cases and then executed our post-processing code in the run method to produce the output.

Building on this we have a slightly improved script, called automate3.py, which makes a plot:

 1from automan.api import Problem, Automator
 2from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 3import numpy as np
 6class Squares(Problem):
 7    def get_name(self):
 8        return 'squares'
10    def get_commands(self):
11        commands = [(str(i), 'python square.py %d' % i, None)
12                    for i in range(1, 8)]
13        return commands
15    def run(self):
16        self.make_output_dir()
17        data = []
18        for i in range(1, 8):
19            stdout = self.input_path(str(i), 'stdout.txt')
20            with open(stdout) as f:
21                values = [float(x) for x in f.read().split()]
22                data.append(values)
24        data = np.asarray(data)
25        plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], 'o-')
26        plt.xlabel('x')
27        plt.ylabel('y')
28        plt.savefig(self.output_path('squares.pdf'))
29        plt.close()
32if __name__ == '_main__':
33    automator = Automator(
34        simulation_dir='outputs',
35        output_dir='manuscript/figures',
36        all_problems=[Squares]
37    )
38    automator.run()

This version simplifies the command generation by using a list-comprehension, so reduces several lines of code. It then makes a matplotlib plot with the collected data. Let us run this:

$ python automate3.py -f
5 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

$ ls manuscript/figures/squares/

As you can see, the old output.txt is gone and our plot is available.


This example requires that you have matplotlib and NumPy installed.

If you wanted to change the plotting style in any way, you can do so and simply re-run python automate3.py -f and it will only regenerate the final plot without re-executing the actual simulations.

So what if you wish to re-run any of these cases? In this case you will need to manually remove the particular simulation (or even all of them). Let us try this:

$ rm -rf outputs/squares/3

$ python automate3.py -f
3 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

It will just run the missing case and re-generate the plots.

While this may not seem like much, we’ve fully automated our simulation and analysis.

Doing things a bit better

The previous section demonstrated the basic ideas so you can get started quickly. Our example problem was very simple and only produced command line output. Our next example is a simple problem in the same directory called powers.py. This problem is also simple but supports a few command line arguments and is as follows:

 1import argparse
 2import os
 4import numpy as np
 7def compute_powers(r_max, power):
 8    """Compute the powers of the integers upto r_max and return the result.
 9    """
10    result = []
11    for i in range(0, r_max + 1):
12        result.append((i, i**power))
13    x = np.arange(0, r_max + 1)
14    y = np.power(x, power)
15    return x, y
18def main():
19    p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
20    p.add_argument(
21        '--power', type=float, default=2.0,
22        help='Power to calculate'
23    )
24    p.add_argument(
25        '--max', type=int, default=10,
26        help='Maximum integer that we must raise to the given power'
27    )
28    p.add_argument(
29        '--output-dir', type=str, default='.',
30        help='Output directory to generate file.'
31    )
32    opts = p.parse_args()
34    x, y = compute_powers(opts.max, opts.power)
36    fname = os.path.join(opts.output_dir, 'results.npz')
37    np.savez(fname, x=x, y=y)
40if __name__ == '__main__':
41    main()

Again, the example is very simple, bulk of the code is parsing command line arguments. There are three arguments the code can take:

  • --power power specifies the power to be computed.

  • --max specifies the largest integer in sequence whose power is to be computed

  • --output-dir is the directory where the output should be generated.

When executed, the script will create a results.npz file which contains the results stored as NumPy arrays. This example also requires that matplotlib and NumPy be installed. Let us run the code:

$ python powers.py

$ ls results.npz

$ python powers.py --power 3.5

On a Python interpreter we can quickly look at the results:

$ python

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.load('results.npz')
>>> data['x']
>>> data['y']

This looks about right, so let us move on to see how we can automate running several cases of this script in a better way than what we had before. We will continue to automate the previous squares.py script. This shows you how you can use automan incrementally as you add more cases. We only show the lines that are changed and do not reproduce the Squares problem class in the listing below.

32from automan.api import Simulation
35class Powers(Problem):
36    def get_name(self):
37        return 'powers'
39    def setup(self):
40        base_cmd = 'python powers.py --output-dir $output_dir'
41        self.cases = [
42            Simulation(
43                root=self.input_path(str(i)),
44                base_command=base_cmd,
45                power=float(i)
46            )
47            for i in range(1, 5)
48        ]
50    def run(self):
51        self.make_output_dir()
52        plt.figure()
53        for case in self.cases:
54            data = np.load(case.input_path('results.npz'))
55            plt.plot(
56                data['x'], data['y'],
57                label=r'$x^{{%.2f}}$' % case.params['power']
58            )
59        plt.grid()
60        plt.xlabel('x')
61        plt.ylabel('y')
62        plt.legend()
63        plt.savefig(self.output_path('powers.pdf'))
64        plt.close()
67if __name__ == '__main__':
68    automator = Automator(
69        simulation_dir='outputs',
70        output_dir='manuscript/figures',
71        all_problems=[Squares, Powers]
72    )
73    automator.run()

To see the complete file see automate4.py. The key points to note in the code are the following:

  • As before get_name() simply returns a convenient name where the outputs will be stored.

  • A new setup() method is used and this creates an instance attribute called self.cases which is a list of cases we wish to simulate. Instead of using strings in the get_commands we simply setup the cases and no longer need to create a get_commands. We discuss Simulation instances in greater detail below.

  • The run() method is similar except it uses the cases attribute and some conveniences of the simulation objects for convenience.

The automan.automation.Simulation instances we create are more general purpose and are very handy. A simulation instance’s first argument is the the output directory and the second is a basic command to execute. It takes a third optional argument called job_info which specifies the number of cores and threads to use and we discuss this later. For now let us ignore it. In addition any keyword arguments one passes to this are automatically converted to command line arguments. Let us try to create one of these on an interpreter to see what is going on:

>>> from automan.api import Simulation
>>> s = Simulation(root='some_output/dir/blah',
...                base_command='python powers.py', power=3.5)
>>> s.name
>>> s.command
'python powers.py --power=3.5'
>>> s.params
{'power': 3.5}

Notice that the name is simply the basename of the root path. You will see that additional keyword argument power=3.5 is converted to a suitable command line argument. This is done by the Simulation.get_command_line_args method and can be overridden if you wish to do something different. The Simulation.params attribute simply stores all the keyword arguments so you could use it later while post-processing.

Now we want that each execution of this command produces output into the correct directory. We could either roll this into the base_command argument by passing the correct output directory or there is a nicer way to do this using the magic $output_dir argument that is automatically set the output directory when the command is executed, for example:

>>> from automan.api import Simulation
>>> s = Simulation(root='some_output/dir/blah',
...                base_command='python powers.py --output-dir $output_dir', power=3.5)
>>> s.command
'python powers.py --output-dir $output_dir --power=3.5'

Note that the magic variable is not substituted at this point but later when the program is about to be executed.

Given these details, the code in the run method should be fairly straightforward to understand. Note that this organization of our code has made us maximize reuse of our plotting code. The case.params attribute is convenient when post-prprocessing. One can also filter the cases using the filter_cases function that is provided by automan. We discuss this later.

The last change to note is that we add the Powers class to the Automator’s all_problems and we are done.Let us now run this:

$ python automate4.py
6 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

This only executes the new cases from the Powers class and makes the plot in manuscript/figures/powers/powers.pdf.

Using automan.automation.Simulation instances allows us to parametrize simulations with the keyword arguments. In addition, it is handy while post-processing. We can also subclass the Simulation instance to customize various things or share code.

There are a few more conveniences that automan provides that are useful while post-processing and these are discussed below.

Generating simulations for parameter sweeps

New in version 0.5.

One of the primary advantages of automan is the ease with which one can perform parameter sweeps. The biggest difficulty in this case is to generate all the simulations easily from a set of parameters of interest. automan provides a few convenient utility functions that make this very easy to do.

We explain these functions with a simple example. Let us say we wish to execute a simulation with two values of a parameter (re = 100, 200), for two different set of resolutions (nx = 50, 100). Normally, one would need to create the simulations in a for loop. The mdict() function makes this very easy to do as follows:

>>> from automan.api import mdict
>>> opts = mdict(nx=[50, 100], re=[100, 200])
>>> opts
[{'nx': 50, 're': 100},
{'nx': 50, 're': 200},
{'nx': 100, 're': 100},
{'nx': 100, 're': 200}]

As you can see this creates a list of dictionaries, each with the required set of parameters that can be passed to a Simulation instance. This expands to any number of parameters. Note that the arguments to mdict should be sequences which are expanded out as a product.

Often you have a set of parameters that go together. For example, if we have two optimizers, say Adam and LBFGS and then you have to choose different learning rates for each, you can do the following:

>>> opts2 = mdict(optimizer=['Adam'], lr=[1e-2, 1e-3]) + \
...         mdict(optimizer=['LBFGS'], lr=[1.0, 0.1])

Now, let us say we want to take the product of the opts above (for the nx, re values) along with the opts2 above, we can easily do this using the dprod() like so:

>>> from automan.api import dprod
>>> options = dprod(opts, opts2)
>>> type(options)
>>> len(options)

This will be the product of all the options and will produce 16 different cases as a list of dictionaries. Notice that this just takes 4 lines of code. We can use these list of dictionaries to create the necessary simulations easily. For example:

cases = [
       base_command='python code.py',
   for kw in options

With that you can create a huge number of simulations. The only issue here is that you need to create a unique directory name to dump the output of each simulation into. The opts2path() function provides a very convenient way to do this. It takes a dictionary and optional keyword arguments to convert the set of parameters in the dictionary into a string for use as a unique directory. Here is a quick example:

>>> from automan.api import opts2path
>>> opts2path(dict(x=1, y='hello', z=0.1))

This renders each parameter out. We can limit the string to only use certain keys using the keys keyword argument:

>>> opts2path(dict(x=1, y='hello', z=0.1), keys=['x'])

Or we could ignore some keys:

>>> opts2path(dict(x=1, y='hello', z=0.1), ignore=['x'])

Or we could map the keys to some other string:

>>> opts2path(dict(x=1, y='hello', z=0.1), kmap=dict(x='XX'))

Using this makes it very easy to generate simulation instances like so:

cases = [
       base_command='python code.py',
   for kw in options

These utility functions therefore make it very easy to easily generate a huge number of cases. The next section shows you how to filter these cases and then make comparison plots from these easily.

Filtering and comparing cases

automan provides a couple of handy functions to help filter the different cases based on the parameters or the name of the cases. One can also make plots for a collection of cases and compare them easily.

  • The filter_cases() function takes a sequence of cases and any additional keyword arguments with parameter values and filters out the cases having those parameter values. For example from our previous example in the Powers class, if we do the following:

    filtered_cases = filter_cases(cases, power=2)

    will return a list with a single case which uses power=2. This is very handy. This function can also be passed a callable which returns True for any acceptable case. For example:

    filter_cases(cases, lambda x: x.params['power'] % 2)

    will return all the cases with odd powers.

  • The filter_by_name() function filters the cases whose names match the list of names passed. For example:

    filter_by_name(cases, ['1', '4'])

    will return the two simulations whose names are equal to '1' or '4'.

  • The compare_runs() function calls a method or callable with the given cases. One can also pass a set of labels which are used to annotate the plots made as well as an optional function to compute an exact result. This is very handy to make comparison plots. Only if a simulation has a particular label will it be used, otherwise it will be ignored. The idea is that very often making a comparison plot requires the same kind of plot to be made for different simulations. The only thing that changes between these is the data, the label used, and the line styles. These can be extracted from the cases automatically.

A simple example helps clarify this. Consider the following:

class Sim(Simulation):
    def l1_error(self, **kw):
        data = read_data_file(self.input_path('results.dat'))
        plt.plot(data['t'], data['l1err'], **kw)

class MyProblem(Problem):
    def run(self):
        # We assume that self.cases has `Sim` instances
        compare_runs(self.cases, 'l1_error', labels=['param1', 'param2'])

In this case, we assume that the problem creates a collection of Sim instances. The l1_error method defines a common plot method, this could also be a generic callable which is passed the simulation instance. So the compare_runs function will loop over all the cases given to it, in the specified order, and call the l1_error method/function for each case. compare_runs also takes a styles keyword argument that is passed the sequence of simulations and should return an iterator of any matplotlib style options. The idea employed here is very general and while the above uses matplotlib, one could in principle use anything else. See the function documentation for more information. Here is a short example that demonstrates how one may use the styles keyword argument. We look at the default implementation for the styles. The idea is that for each plot you want a different plotting style, say a different line style or color or marker. The default implementation is:

import itertools as IT

def styles(sims):
    ls = [dict(color=x[0], linestyle=x[1]) for x in
          IT.product("kbgr", ["-", "--", "-.", ":"])]
    return IT.cycle(ls)

Let us see what this does:

>>> from automan.utils import styles
>>> x = styles([])
>>> next(x)
{'color': 'k', 'linestyle': '-'}
>>> next(x)
{'color': 'k', 'linestyle': '--'}

As you can see it is simply producing a dictionary of keyword arguments that are used. You can use any kind of arguments you wish. If you prefer to create more colorful plots you could modify this like so:

def styles(sims):
    ls = [dict(linestyle=x[0], color=x[1]) for x in
          IT.product(["-", "--", "-.", ":"], 'kbgrycm')]
    return IT.cycle(ls)

This will iterate over the colors and will first loop over the colors and then the linestyles (try it and see). It is also possible to generate styles that iterate over different markers for example:

def mystyles(sims):
    ls = [dict(color=x[1], linestyle='-',
               marker=x[0], markevery=5) for x in
          IT.product([None, '^', 'o'], 'kbgrcmy')]
    return IT.cycle(ls)

Note that in the above we did not use the passed arguments of the simulations. We could if we wish, choose to color different simulations based on some criterion. For example let us say if we want to use a specific color for a specific value of a parameter (say re), we could do the following:

def mystyles(sims):
    colors = {100: 'b', 200: 'g', 400: 'r'}
    ls = IT.cycle(["-", "--", "-.", ":"])
    styles = [dict(color=colors[s.params['re']], linestyle=next(ls))
              for s in sims]
    return iter(styles)

Note that here, we use the s.params attribute for each simulation and set the color according to this. We return an iterator over the list as expected by the compare_runs function. However, we could just return an iterable like a list or tuple and it would still work, for example:

def mystyles(sims):
    colors = {100: 'b', 200: 'g', 400: 'r'}
    ls = IT.cycle(["-", "--", "-.", ":"])
    return [dict(color=colors[s.params['re']], linestyle=next(ls))
            for s in sims]

This is easier to write for customized styles especially if you are not familiar with Python iterators.

You could now use compare_runs like so:

compare_runs(self.cases, 'l1_error', labels=['param1', 'param2'],

This approach is ideal when you have many plots for a large number of variations. For customized plots where you wish to have much finer grained control you can always write your own customized functions.

With this information you should be in a position to automate your computational simulations and analysis.

Next we look at setting up additional remote computers on which we can execute our computations.

Adding arbitrary tasks

The Automator class also supports adding arbitrary Tasks and Problems to the automation. For example if you want to run latex on a manuscript, one could do the following:

automator = Automator(
    all_problems=[Squares, Powers]

from automan.api import FileCommandTask
task = FileCommandTask(
  'latexmk manuscript/paper.tex -pdf -outdir=manuscript',
automator.add_task(task, name='pdf', post_proc=True)


Here, the task added uses the FileCommandTask which only creates some files in a directory. It is a convenience as the CommandTask assumes that the entire output directory is generated by the task. Here any job related output (stderr, stdout) will be written to a directory manuscript/paper.pdf.job_info.

The task added here is assigned a name, “pdf”, when this is done, the task is run only when explicitly requested, for example:

$ python automate.py pdf

Will run the task. Since post_proc=True, it will only be run once all the problems are completed. If post_proc=False then it does not depend on anything else. The usual rules for dependencies of tasks hold, so if you create a set of tasks with mutual dependencies, those will be honored.

If no name was passed when the task was added, for example:

automator.add_task(task, post_proc=True)

then this task will always be executed when all the problems are executed.

Note that when post_proc=True the RunAll task is added to the task.depends list allowing you to do what you wish with it. You can therefore add custom commands if needed. The automator.add_task method also accepts Problem classes or instances.

The automator is also usable interactively, so one could also do the following:

automator = Automator(



Here we pass [] to the run method so as to ensure that no command line processing is done which could be a mess. We can add tasks and problems in this fashion and reuse the automation code to illustrate some ideas in a jupyter notebook with this approach.

Using additional computational resources

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could easily run part of the simulations on one or more remote computers? automan makes this possible. Let us see how with our last example.

Let us first remove all the generated outputs and files so we can try this:

$ rm -rf outputs/ manuscript/figures config.json

Running the simulations on a remote machine requires a few things:

  • the computer should be running either Mac OS or Linux/Unix.

  • you should have an account on the computer, and be able to ssh into it without a password (see article on password-less ssh.

  • the computer should have a working basic Python interpreter.

  • on Linux the remote libpython*.so should be built as a shared library. If you are building Python from source you must do ./configure --enable-shared or use a packaged Python like conda/miniconda/edm.

  • Make sure that the python interpreter is in the $PATH and that the library directory is in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH – again this applies only for a Python binary that you have built by yourself.

  • while running commands from the host computer, remove the following from the remote computer’s .bashrc:

    case $- in
    *i*) ;;
    *) return;;

For more complex dependencies, you need to make sure the remote machine has the necessary software.

Assuming you have these requirements on a computer accessible on your network you can do the following:

$ python automate4.py -a host_name

Where host_name is either the computer’s name or IP address. This will print a lot of output and attempt to setup a virtual environment on the remote machine. If it fails, it will print out some instructions for you to fix.

If this succeeds, you can now simply use the automation script just as before and it will now run some of the code on the remote machine depending on its availability. For example:

$ python automate4.py
14 tasks pending and 0 tasks running

Running task CommandTask with output directory: 4 ...
Starting worker on localhost.
Job run by localhost
Running python powers.py --output-dir outputs/powers/4 --power=4.0

Running task CommandTask with output directory: 3 ...
Starting worker on
Job run by
Running python powers.py --output-dir outputs/powers/3 --power=3.0

Note that you can add new machines at any point. For example you may have finished running a few simulations already and are simulating a new problem that you wish to distribute, you can add a new machine and fire the automation script and it will use it for the new simulations.

When you add a new remote host automan does the following:

  • Creates an automan directory in the remote machine home directory (you can set a different home using python automate4.py -a host --home other_home.)

  • Inside this directory it copies the current project directory, tutorial in the present case.

  • It then copies over a bootstrap.sh and update.sh and runs the bootstrap.sh script. These scripts are inside a .automan/ directory on your localhost and you may edit these if you need to.

The bootstrap code does the following:

  • It creates a virtualenv called tutorial on this computer using the system Python and puts this in automan/envs/tutorial.

  • It then activates this environment, installs automan and also runs any requirements.txt if they exist in the tutorial directory.

If for some reason this script fails, you may edit it on the remote host and re-run it.

When executing the code, automan copies over the files from the remote host to your computer once the simulation is completed and also deletes the output files on the remote machine.

If your remote computer shares your file-system via nfs or so, you can specify this when you add the host as follows:

$ python automate4.py -a host_sharing_nfs_files --nfs

In this case, files will not be copied back and forth from the remote host.

Now lets say you update files inside your project you can update the remote hosts using:

$ python automate4.py -u

This will update all remote workers and also run the update.sh script on all of them. It will also copy your local modifications to the scripts in .automan. It will then run any simulations.

Lets say you do not want to use a particular host, you can remove the entry for this in the config.json file.

When automan distributes tasks to machines, local and remote, it needs some information about the task and the remote machines. Recall that when we created the Simulation instances we could pass in a job_info keyword argument. The job_info is an optional dictionary with the following optional keys:

  • 'n_core': the number of cores that this simulation requires. This is used for scheduling tasks. For example if you set n_core=4 and have a computer with only 2 cores, automan will not be able to run this job on this machine at all. On the other hand if the task does indeed consume more than one core and you set the value to one, then the scheduler will run the job on a computer with only one core available. When n_core is set to a negative integer then the scheduler treats this as total_cores_on_machine/(-n_core). So for example if the value is -1, it will use all the cores on the machine, if it is -2, it will use half the cores. This is convenient when you have different computers with different core counts and when you wish to run only a single or limited number of jobs on the computer.

  • 'n_thread': the number of threads to use. This is used to set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS for OpenMP executions. When this value is set to None, it does not set the environment variable at all and this will imply that the default used by OpenMP will be used. If the number is set to a negative integer then it multiplies the absolute value of the specified number by the number of cores used, for example if n_core=4 and n_thread=-2, then the number of threads is set to 8. If n_core=-1 and n_thread=-2, then depending on the computer being used, the number of threads will be set to twice the number of physical cores on the computer.

As an example, here is how one would use this:

           base_command='python powers.py',
           job_info=dict(n_core=1, n_thread=1),

This job requires only a single core. So when automan tries to execute the job on a computer it looks at the load on the computer and if one core is free, it will execute the job.

If for some reason you are not happy with how the remote computer is managed and wish to customize it, you can feel free to subclass the automan.cluster_manager.ClusterManager class. You may pass this in to the automan.automation.Automator class as the cluster_manager_factory and it will use it. This is useful if for example you wish to use conda or some other tool to manage the Python environment on the remote computer.

We provide two simple environment managers, one is a based on Anaconda’s conda and the other is on Enthought’s edm, the following contains details on how to use them.

A simple automan.conda_cluster_manager.CondaClusterManager which will setup a remote computer so long as it has conda on it. If your project directory has an environments.yml and/or a requirements.txt it will use those to setup the environment. This is really a prototype and you may feel free to customize this. To use the conda cluster manager you could do the following in the tutorial example:

from automan.api import CondaClusterManager

automator = Automator(
    all_problems=[Squares, Powers],

A simple automan.edm_cluster_manager.EDMClusterManager which will setup a remote computer so long as it has edm on it. If your project directory has an bundled_envs.json and/or a requirements.txt it will use those to setup the environment. You can change the file names by accessing ENV_FILE class variable . By default this assumes the edm executable location to be in ~/.edm to change this point the EDM_ROOT variable to the correct location relative to ~ (the current user home folder) not including the symbol ~. To use the edm cluster manager you could do the following in the tutorial example:

from automan.api import EDMClusterManager

automator = Automator(
    all_problems=[Squares, Powers],

You may also subclass these or customize the bootstrap code and use that.

A complete example of each of these is available in the examples/edm_conda_cluster directory that you can see here https://github.com/pypr/automan/tree/master/examples/edm_conda_cluster

The README in the directory tells you how to run the examples.

Specifying simulation dependencies

New in version 0.4: Specifying simulation dependencies was added in the 0.4 version.

There are times when one simulation uses the output from another and you wish to execute them in the right order. This can be quite easily achieved. Here is a simple example from the test suite that illustrates this:

class MyProblem(Problem):
    def setup(self):
        cmd = 'python -c "import time; print(time.time())"'
        s1 = Simulation(self.input_path('1'), cmd)
        s2 = Simulation(self.input_path('2'), cmd, depends=[s1])
        s3 = Simulation(self.input_path('3'), cmd, depends=[s1, s2])
        self.cases = [s1, s2, s3]

Notice the extra keyword argument, depends= which specifies a list of other simulations. In the above case, we could have also used self.cases = [s3] and that would have automatically picked up the other simulations.

When this problem is run, s1 will run first followed by s2 and then by s3. Note that this will only execute s1 once even though it is declared as a dependency for two other simulations. This makes it possible to easily define inter-dependent tasks/simulations. In general, the dependencies could be any automan.automation.Simulation or automan.automation.Task instance.

Internally, these simulations create suitable task instances that support dependencies see automan.automation.CommandTask

Specifying inter-problem dependencies

New in version 0.4: Specifying problem dependencies was added in the 0.4 version.

Sometimes you may have a situation where one problem depends on the output of another. These may be done by overriding the Problem.get_requires method. Here is an example from the test suite:

class A(Problem):
    def get_requires(self):
        cmd = 'python -c "print(1)"'
        ct = CommandTask(cmd, output_dir=self.sim_dir)
        return [('task1', ct)]

class B(Problem):
    def get_requires(self):
        # or return Problem instances ...
        return [('a', A(self.sim_dir, self.out_dir))]

class C(Problem):
    def get_requires(self):
        # ... or Problem subclasses
        return [('a', A), ('b', B)]

Normally, the get_requires method automatically creates tasks from the simulations specified but in the above example we show a case (problem A) where we explicitly create command tasks. In the above example, the problem B depends on the problem A and simply returns an instance of A. On the other hand C only returns the problem class and not an instance. This shows how one can specify inter problem dependencies.

Note that if the problem performs some simulations (by setting self.cases), you should call the parent method (via super) and add your additional dependencies to this.

Also note that the dependencies are resolved based on the “outputs” of a task. So two tasks with the same outputs are treated as the same. This is consistent with the design of automan where each simulation’s output goes in its own directory.

Using docker

It should be possible to use automan from within a Docker container. This can be done either by specifying commands to be run within suitable docker run invocations. Alternatively, one can install automan and run scripts within the docker container and this will work correctly.

One could use docker on the remote computers also but this is not yet fully tested.

Learning more

If you wish to learn more about automan you may find the following useful:

  • Read the automan paper or a draft of the paper.

  • The paper mentions another manuscript which was fully automated using automan, the sources for this are at https://gitlab.com/prabhu/edac_sph/ and this demonstrates a complete real-world example of using automan to automate an entire research paper.

  • Olivier Mesnard has created a nice example as part of the review of this paper that can be seen here: https://github.com/mesnardo/automan-example the example also nicely shows how automan can be used from within a docker container for a completely reproducible workflow.