Source code for automan.cluster_manager

"""Code to bootstrap and update the project so a remote host can be used as a
worker to help with the automation of tasks.

This requires ssh/scp and rsync to work on all machines.

This is currently only tested on Linux machines.


import json
import os
import shlex
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
from textwrap import dedent

    from urllib import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen

[docs]class BootstrapError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ClusterManager(object): """The cluster manager class. This class primarily helps setup software on a remote worker machine such that it can run any computational jobs from the automation framework. The general directory structure of a remote worker machine is as follows:: remote_home/ # Could be ~ automan/ # Root of automation directory (configurable) envs/ # python virtual environments for use. my_project/ # Current directory for specific projects. The project directories are synced from this machine to the remote worker. The "my_project" is the root of the directory with the automation script and this should contain the required sources that need to be executed. One can use a list of source directories which will be copied over but it is probably most convenient to put it all in the root of the project directory to keep everything self-contained. The `ClusterManager` class manages these remote workers by helping setup the directories, bootstrapping the Python virtualenv and also keeping these up-to-date as project directory is changed on the local machine. The class therefore has two primary public methods, 1. `add_worker(self, host, home, nfs)` which adds a new worker machine by bootstrapping the machine with the software and the appropriate source directories. 2. `update()`, which keeps the directory and software up-to-date. The class variables BOOTSTRAP and UPDATE are the content of scripts uploaded to these machines and should be extended by users to do what they wish. The class creates a ``config.json`` in the current working directory that may be edited by a user. It also creates a directory called ``.{self.root}`` which defaults to ``.automan``. The bootstrap and update scripts are put here and may be edited by the user for any new hosts. One may override the `_get_python, _get_helper_scripts`, and `_get_bootstrap_code, _get_update_code` methods to change this to use other package managers like edm or conda. See the conda_cluster_manager for an example. """ ####################################################### # These scripts are used to bootstrap the installation # and update them. BOOTSTRAP = dedent("""\ #!/bin/bash set -e if hash virtualenv 2>/dev/null; then virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages envs/{project_name} else python3 --system-site-packages envs/{project_name} fi source envs/{project_name}/bin/activate pip install automan # Run any requirements.txt from the user cd {project_name} if [ -f "requirements.txt" ] ; then pip install -r requirements.txt fi """) UPDATE = dedent("""\ #!/bin/bash set -e source envs/{project_name}/bin/activate # Run any requirements.txt from the user cd {project_name} if [ -f "requirements.txt" ] ; then pip install -r requirements.txt fi """) ####################################################### def __init__(self, root='automan', sources=None, config_fname='config.json', exclude_paths=None, testing=False): """Create a cluster manager instance. **Parameters** root: str The name of the root directory where all the files on the remote will be created. sources: list A list of source directories to sync. config_fname: str The name of the config file to create. exclude_paths: list A list of paths to exclude while syncing. This is in a form suitable to pass to rsync. testing: bool Use this while testing. This allows us to run unit tests for remotes on the local machine. """ self.root = root self.workers = [] self.sources = sources self.scripts_dir = os.path.abspath('.' + self.root) self.exclude_paths = exclude_paths if exclude_paths else [] self.testing = testing # This is setup by the config and is the name of # the project directory. self.project_name = None # The config file will always trump any direct settings # unless there is no config file. self.config_fname = config_fname self._read_config() if not os.path.exists(self.scripts_dir): os.makedirs(self.scripts_dir) # ### Private Protocol ######################################## def _bootstrap(self, host, home): helper_scripts = self._get_helper_scripts() base_cmd = ("cd {home}; mkdir -p {root}/envs; " "mkdir -p {root}/{project_name}/.{root}").format( home=home, root=self.root, project_name=self.project_name ) self._ssh_run_command(host, base_cmd) abs_root = os.path.join(home, self.root) if helper_scripts: real_host = '' if self.testing else '{host}:'.format(host=host) cmd = "scp {helper_scripts} {host}{root}".format( host=real_host, root=abs_root, helper_scripts=helper_scripts ) self._run_command(cmd) self._update_sources(host, home) cmd = "cd {abs_root}; ./{project_name}/.{root}/".format( abs_root=abs_root, root=self.root, project_name=self.project_name ) try: self._ssh_run_command(host, cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = dedent(""" ****************************************************************** Bootstrapping of remote host {host} failed. All files have been copied to the host. Please take a look at {abs_root}/{project_name}/.{root}/ and try to fix it. You should run it from within the {root} directory as: ./{project_name}/.{root}/ Once the script runs successfully, the worker can be used without any further steps. The default bootstrap script is in {scripts_dir} and can be edited by you. These will be used for any new hosts you add. ****************************************************************** """.format(abs_root=abs_root, root=self.root, host=host, scripts_dir=self.scripts_dir, project_name=self.project_name) ) print(msg) raise BootstrapError(msg) else: print("Bootstrapping {host} succeeded!".format(host=host)) def _get_bootstrap_code(self): return self.BOOTSTRAP.format(project_name=self.project_name) def _get_python(self, host, home): return os.path.join( home, self.root, 'envs/{project_name}/bin/python'.format( project_name=self.project_name ) ) def _get_update_code(self): return self.UPDATE.format(project_name=self.project_name) def _get_helper_scripts(self): """Return a space separated string of script files that you need copied over to the remote host. When overriding this, you can return None or '' if you do not need any. """ script = os.path.join(self.scripts_dir, '') if not os.path.exists(script): print("Downloading latest") url = '' opener = urlopen(url) with open(script, 'wb') as f: f.write( return script def _read_config(self): if os.path.exists(self.config_fname): with open(self.config_fname) as f: data = json.load(f) self.root = data['root'] self.project_name = data['project_name'] self.sources = data['sources'] self.workers = data['workers'] else: if self.sources is None or len(self.sources) == 0: project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) self.project_name = os.path.basename(project_dir) self.sources = [project_dir] self.workers = [dict(host='localhost', home='', nfs=False)] self._write_config() self.scripts_dir = os.path.abspath('.' + self.root) def _rebuild(self, host, home): abs_root = os.path.join(home, self.root) base_cmd = "cd {abs_root}; ./{project_name}/.{root}/".format( abs_root=abs_root, root=self.root, project_name=self.project_name ) self._ssh_run_command(host, base_cmd) def _run_command(self, cmd, **kw): print(cmd) subprocess.check_call(shlex.split(cmd), **kw) def _ssh_run_command(self, host, base_cmd): if self.testing: command = base_cmd print(command) subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) else: command = "ssh {host} '{cmd}'".format(host=host, cmd=base_cmd) self._run_command(command) def _sync_dir(self, host, src, dest): options = "" kwargs = dict() if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src, '.git')): exclude = 'git -C {src} ls-files --exclude-standard -oi '\ '--directory '.format(src=src) options = '--exclude-from=-' proc = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(exclude), stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) kwargs['stdin'] = proc.stdout if self.exclude_paths: for path in self.exclude_paths: options += ' --exclude="%s"' % path real_host = '' if self.testing else '{host}:'.format(host=host) command = "rsync -a {options} {src} {host}{dest} ".format( options=options, src=src, host=real_host, dest=dest ) self._run_command(command, **kwargs) def _update_sources(self, host, home): for local_dir in self.sources: remote_dir = os.path.join(home, self.root + '/') self._sync_dir(host, local_dir, remote_dir) scripts_dir = self.scripts_dir bootstrap_code = self._get_bootstrap_code() update_code = self._get_update_code() scripts = {'': bootstrap_code, '': update_code} for script, code in scripts.items(): fname = os.path.join(scripts_dir, script) if not os.path.exists(fname): # Create the scripts if they don't exist. with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(code) script_files = [os.path.join(scripts_dir, x) for x in scripts] for fname in script_files: mode = os.stat(fname).st_mode os.chmod(fname, mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP) path = os.path.join(home, self.root, self.project_name, '.' + self.root) real_host = '' if self.testing else '{host}:'.format(host=host) cmd = "scp {script_files} {host}{path}".format( host=real_host, path=path, script_files=' '.join(script_files) ) self._run_command(cmd) def _delete_outputs(self, host, home, sim_dir): path = os.path.join(home, self.root, self.project_name, sim_dir) real_host = '' if self.testing else '{host}'.format(host=host) cmd = "rm -rf {path}".format( path=path ) self._ssh_run_command(real_host, cmd) def _write_config(self): print("Writing %s" % self.config_fname) data = dict( project_name=self.project_name, root=self.root, sources=self.sources, workers=self.workers ) with open(self.config_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2) # ### Public Protocol ########################################
[docs] def add_worker(self, host, home, nfs): if host == 'localhost': self.workers.append(dict(host=host, home=home, nfs=nfs)) else: curdir = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) if nfs: python = sys.executable chdir = curdir else: python = self._get_python(host, home) chdir = os.path.join(home, self.root, curdir) self.workers.append( dict(host=host, home=home, nfs=nfs, python=python, chdir=chdir) ) self._write_config() if host != 'localhost' and not nfs: self._bootstrap(host, home)
[docs] def update(self, rebuild=True): for worker in self.workers: host = worker.get('host') home = worker.get('home') nfs = worker.get('nfs', False) if host != 'localhost' and not nfs: self._update_sources(host, home) if rebuild: self._rebuild(host, home)
[docs] def delete(self, sim_dir, remotes): hosts = [h.get('host') for h in self.workers] if remotes[-1] == 'all': remotes = hosts.copy() else: for remote in remotes: if remote not in hosts: print('%s remote is not a worker' % (remote)) sys.exit(1) for worker in self.workers: host = worker.get('host') home = worker.get('home') nfs = worker.get('nfs', False) if host in remotes: if host != 'localhost' and not nfs: self._delete_outputs(host, home, sim_dir)
[docs] def create_scheduler(self): """Return a `` from the configuration. """ from .jobs import Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler(root='.') for worker in self.workers: host = worker.get('host') nfs = worker.get('nfs', False) if host == 'localhost': scheduler.add_worker(dict(host='localhost')) else: python = worker.get('python') chdir = worker.get('chdir') config = dict(host=host, python=python, chdir=chdir, nfs=nfs) if self.testing: config['testing'] = True scheduler.add_worker(config) return scheduler
[docs] def cli(self, argv=None): """This is just a demonstration of how this class could be used. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Setup remote workers.') parser.add_argument( '-a', '--add-node', action="store", dest="host", type=str, default='', help="Add a new remote worker." ) parser.add_argument( '--home', action="store", dest="home", type=str, default='', help='Home directory of the remote worker (to be used with -a)' ) parser.add_argument( '--nfs', action="store_true", dest="nfs", default=False, help=('Does the remote remote worker share the filesystem ' '(to be used with -a)') ) parser.add_argument( '--no-rebuild', action="store_true", dest="no_rebuild", default=False, help="Do not rebuild the sources on sync." ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if len( == 0: self.update(not args.no_rebuild) else: self.add_worker(, args.home, args.nfs)